Yet another Amiri font release with yet another jump in version number, this time to mark the move from alpha stage to beta stage :) (my versioning scheme makes no sense, but so is life). Too lazy and too tired for screenshots and other fancy stuff :p, so here is the release notes:

Amiri 0.100 (2011-12-04), beta gamma delta

  • This release marks another important developmental milestone, with Arabic and Arabic Supplement blocks in Unicode 6.0 being fully covered (which means essentially any Arabic character in Unicode can now be presented with Amiri). Also the font has now matured to great extent and is usable for most of typesetting tasks.

  • New styles:
    • Add a slanted style that slants to the left and no to right, to follow Arabic writing direction.
  • New glyphs:
    • Subtending marks (U+0600-0603).
    • Arabic date separator (U+060D).
    • Arabic poetic verse sign (U+060E).
    • Honorific marks (U+0610-0614).
    • Dochashmi Heh (U+06BE and U+06FF).
    • Bari Yaa (U+06D2 and U+06D3).
    • 4 sizes of Kashida.
  • Fixes:
    • Fix issue with Kashida breaking word shaping in InDesign.
    • Slant Urdu digit four to look more acceptable.
    • Fix disappearance of media Khaa dot when preceded by Kaf, as in كخا.
    • Decrease the hight of initial Lam when followed by Haa and Meem, as in لحمد, to match other Lam glyphs.
    • Finjani Ayn and closed Haa when followed by Kaf.
    • Lower small Waw after final Heh.
    • Widen small Waw and final Alef when a Madda mark is applied to them.
    • Increase side bearings of many dotted glyphs no avoid clash with their neighbours.
    • More wider forms of glyphs to avoid mark clash when fully vowelled.
    • New contextual shape for initial Ain followed by Raa, as in غر.
    • New contextual shape for final Alef preceded by Kashida, as in عمـان.
    • New contextual shape for final Yaa when followed by open Heh, as in نهى.
    • New redrawn initial and medial Kaf that do not clash with their neighbours.
    • New redrawn final Waw that is more faithful to the original design.
    • Disable, by default, lowering Baa dots when preceded by Raa or Waw, moved to stylistic set 01.
    • Disable, by default, contextual form of medial Meem when followed by Alef, moved to stylistic set 02.
    • Digits are now tabular, removed tnum feature.
    • Common punctuation and European digits are now from Crimson Text.
    • Change the default interline spacing to fit better for regular text.
    • Many more smaller fixes here and there.